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Dr. Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez

Español | English


Profesor Titular de Universidad
Prince of Asturias Distinguished Visiting Professor Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University
Edificio Polivalente - Facultad de Periodismo
Despacho 2.04
Tel: (+34) 969 179 100 Ext. 4788

Short biography:

Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez is Senior Lecturer at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and teaches Journalism & International Studies. He holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Seville where he also earned two degrees in Journalism and History. Dr Manfredi holds an International Executive MBA from the IE Business School.

He leads the project DiploCity - City Diplomacy Strategies in Latin America (RTI2018-096733-B-I00). Please check info to read more http://juanluismanfredi.es/?p=958

As international scholar, he led “Media Pluralism Monitor”, a project based at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy, 2015) financed by the European Commission. Before that position, he led the Spanish research team from European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing & Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems (MEDIADEM, FP7-SSH-2009-A).

He is member of the editorial board of Esglobal.com, and frequent contributor to Cinco Días, financial newspaper, and The Conversation. He served at the scientific board of the Real Instituto Elcano (2014-2019).


Areas of specialization and professional experience:

International political communication, public diplomacy, political leadership, public policies (media and free speech), global cities, public communication, journalism, innovation & entrepreneurship applied to journalism studies.


Latest publications:

Manfredi-Sánchez, Juan-Luis (2020). “Globalization and power: the consolidation of international communication as a discipline”. El profesional de la información, v. 29, n. 1, e290111. http://www.elprofesionaldelainformacion.com/contenidos/2020/ene/manfredi.pdf

Manfredi-Sánchez, J. L. (2019). “Brand activism”. Communication &  Society, 32 (4),




Digital ID:

Twitter handle @juanmanfredi

Orcid profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9129-2907

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EY-EZTgAAAAJ&hl=e