Structure and Funding

Center for Fiscal Studies


The headquarters of the CIEF-EEAT is at the Toledo campus even tho the groups project to all of the various campus of University of Castilla-La Mancha .

There is an Advisory board that includes professors Álvaro Rodríguez Bereijo (Autónomous University of Madrid); Adriano Di Pietro (University of Bolonia), and Philipe Marchessou, (University of Strasbourg).

The team of Administrators include Miguel Ángel Collado Yurrita (Director), Pedro José Carrasco Parrilla (Sub director) and Saturnina Moreno González (Secretary). The organization also has Group of Reaserchers that is made up by Professors from the Financial and Tax Law Department at the University of Castilla-La Mancha .

The administrative task are carried out by the personal form the existing centers at the UCLM Deans office in the Toledo campus.

The supportive tasks to the various scientific and academic activities are carried out by the intern.



El CIEF-EEAT is funded with external funds that are received and with the idea that the effect should be established by the University of Castilla-La Mancha.