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Congress will be held in Albacete from June 12 to 14.

XI National and II International Engineering Thermodynamics Congress: Open the deadline for submitting abstracts

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XI National and II International Engineering Thermodynamics Congress: Open the deadline for submitting abstracts


The XI National and II International Engineering Thermodynamics Congress, will be held in Albacete, at Castilla-La Mancha University. This congress is a meeting point for university teachers, researchers and professionals who develop their activities in the field of Engineering Thermodynamics. Since more than twenty years this biennial congress has been the meeting point for Spanish researchers in this topic. Since the previous edition of the congress, it is open to new foreign participants, with which we can interchange experiences that improve the level of teaching, research and industry in the fields related to the Engineering Thermodynamics.


Allinterested people can send the abstract of their work from today until  September 28, 2018.

To obtain more information, access to the congress website.

