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José A. Almendros-Ibáñez has participated in the group's annual meeting

The ENERSYS group has joined the Inpath-TES energy storage network

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The ENERSYS group has joined the Inpath-TES energy storage network


In 2020, May, the Enersys research group has joined to the Inpath-TES network. José A. Almendros-Ibáñez has participated in the annual on-line meeting (due to Covid-19 restrictions) of the network. This network is a group of different institutions and companies, which works in the dissemination and teaching of different topics related with Thermal Energy Storage (TES) activities. In its web page: http://www.inpathtes.eu/ there are different courses and lessons about different topics of TES technology. Since 2020 Enersys reserach group will join actively to this network. We will coordinate different lessons and we will create new teaching material related with our research activities. "
