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Interesting numerical simulation work on heat transfer was exhibited in Ireland.

Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero attended to the “14th International Conference in Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics” in Wicklow (Ireland), from 22 to 24 July 2019

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Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero attended to the “14th International Conference in Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics” in Wicklow (Ireland), from 22 to 24 July 2019


The purpose of this Conference is to provide a forum for specialists in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics from all corners of the globe to present the latest progress and developments in the field.

The large number of scheduled presentations contributed towards creating a meaningful forum for discussing the latest developments in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. All papers were peer-reviewed and 260 papers were accepted and published in the conference proceedings. Papers were received from 646 authors representing 52 countries. The 10 countries with the most authors were Germany (52), India (47), France (46), Spain (42), China (40), Canada (38), Japan (34), Ireland (33), South Africa (31) and South Korea (31)

 Paper titled “NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE HEAT TRANSFER PROCESS OF A NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID” was orally presented by Juan Ignacio Córcoles Tendero. 
